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anti-puffiness eye mask review and first thoughts

By 7:28 PM , , , ,

I think it may be due to my eyes being so large that naturally there are bags and a more darker tone around my eye area most days.  Seen this at Lawtons and figured why not give it a try. The pre-application process requires you to have it in the fridge for at least an hour. I'm sure that's to help reduce puffiness from under your eyes and also have a cooling affect.  After being in the fridge, you apply them under your eyes for half an hour to 50 minutes.  it is probably best to do this product when you don't have limited time.  It's also important to apply it to where this product is supposed to be used for and nowhere else on the body.
For 3.99$CAD you have yourself 2 pairs of eye patches, (that's approximately 2$ per set).

The packaging is pretty cool I must admit.  There is a sealant to keep your second pair fresh until you use it again.  When you open the package you're going to find a pair on the top and bottom between a plastic case.  
The actual eye patches themselves are sealed once again in a plastic sandwich.  THAT DOES NOT GO ON YOUR FACE-I learned the hard way tehe. 
SPEAKING OF WHICH, this is my first time using an eye patch, how hard could it possibly be you ask? Hah, you wouldn't expect this to be rocket science but apparently for me it is next to it. So basically what I did-or at least think I did was once the plastic was off except one piece, I put the patch on and slid the plastic off, trying to get as little bacteria on it as possible, think that backfired a few times. The patch is fairly sticky actually, it adhesed very well to my skin and is still staying strong.  As far as the scent goes I don't smell anything overpowering and didn't even really smell anything when I opened the package. The patch itself is very flexible and molds to your shape nicely.  

This is what it looks like applied to the face. Bear with me if it isnt on properly lol. We all gotta start somewhere, right? #novicepass. 

After removing the eye patch I do notice some changes.  One change is that it has lowered the puffiness quite substantially.  I do apologize for not having before pictures and all you can really go by are my words.  Back on track, secondly I notice my bags are a little bit smaller as well as the dark areas really lightened up a lot.  Would I repurchase this product? Probably considering how little it costs and I do actually see some changes.  Is it hard to apply? If you're a beginner like me, yes! But I did actually enjoy this quite a bit either way haha.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us, we don't bite! I promise.

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