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A short roseroseshop haul!

By 7:51 PM , , , , , , ,

Initially, I wasn't actually going to do a post but decided to do one anyway.  The box was fairly big actually considering how much empty space is in there. Apparently Canada has stopped providing tracking on foreign parcels. With this being said, it took longer than normal to receive the box.  Fortunately, I got a card left on my door so I knew that it was at the post office for me to pick up.

First up, we see some hair masks.  These are from Boutique Bebe.  What attracted me to them was that they're in over-sized syringes!  I'm actually very excited to try these out, after I empty up some other products first.

Roseroseshop is offering free gifts if you purchase from Boutique Bebe.  I got these Lailly face masks with the hair masks.  I'm excited to try these as well.  I've never used this brand before so it's a new thing to me.

Because I liked the coconut face mask from Goodal so much, I decided to try the Pore Glacial mask as well.  I also have a clay mask from Too Cool For School and had compared it to that as well.  Two top masks have been compared to you, Pore Glacial clay.  Hopefully you can meet up to the standards which have been set!

Another brand that I have yet to try is Lailly.  I'm excited to see what this mask is all about as well.  At first I thought it was an actual steam pack that you had to steam.  From the looks of it, you just apply it to your face like a normal mask.  Excited to see what this mask will bring!

Next up we got these two cute little kitties.  These creams from TheFaceShop will be sure to satisfy anybody!
And of course, Roseroseshop supplies at least 5 sample size items for every purchase!
I have a few items that need to be reviewed before working on these, however if I do end up caving in I will probably have a few reviews up sooner rather than later.

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