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My first Shikibox!

By 6:50 PM , , , , , , ,

I was actually inspired by Beejuboxes for this box and did most if not all of my research on her blog in deciding which box I should purchase.  Because I'm so into the Asian fashion, I decided to go with an Asian box for starters, oh and the price was right as well!
So basically this box is a monthly subscription service that allows you to have a one time trial box for a lower price than normal.   You have three selections on which size box you would prefer to get. I decided to opt for the trial box at $15.00 because I haven't really tried Asian snacks before and didn't know what to expect!
Oh, before I forget and get into the box overview, I had thought I got jipped by this company as it had been about 2 months after I purchased before I even seen this box.  Apparently they are having troubles keeping up with the demand.  Must be a decent box.
 So this is the first thing I see when opening the box! Could this be the pamphlet of what's inside??

Well, sort of.. Guess I'll just try my best to guess what is what.

Honestly, I was shocked at how much was in here and didn't expect so much just from what I could see in this picture.

This snack had the texture like a rice cake but melted in your mouth almost instantly.  The outside is hard that makes a crunch like a cookie and tastes sweet and salty, yum!

 This is another cracker type snack.  Turns out this has a spice to it, something that you would put on a BBQ'd steak or hamburger.  Definitely a distinct taste.

Gummy oranges, nothing too special about this snack.  There's only 5 in the entire package? That's not really a whole lot.

OH MY GOD!! These are not only the cutest but so delicious!  It is a graham based treat with a milk chocolate coating.  Don't be deceived either, the chocolate definitely overweighs the graham part.  Where can I get a ton of these?!! They're amazing!!

Honestly scared to eat this!  With not being a huge fan of beef jerky, this is what it reminded me of.  This was super sticky and extremely hard to bite off, the texture was like a hard plastic, and it was spicy too!  I didn't plan on finishing it but did anyway because it was giving my senses a run for their money.

This snack I was excited to eat but didn't really end up being anything special.  It reminds me of one of those treats you would get around Christmas time because of its fancy looks.  The top layer is coated in thin chocolate and the inside is like a wafer.  This didn't have much taste either.

Next up we have a powder drink and I think some noodles you put in boiling water and eat that way?  Neither of which I am going to try right now as I don't need a meal at this moment!

Yet again another rice cake type snack.  This one is hard and with not much taste.  It doesn't do much for me so I didn't finish it.

Next we have a whole lot of small snacks!

I could tell how rich this was just from the smell, delicious! All chocolate.

 Japanese version of our Rockets? Nope! They're fizzy candy with a very odd taste.  Not sure what to think of these, probably something I need to get used to.

I expected these to be just coated in chocolate with a wafer cookie inside. It's more like a rice krispy snack, but rice krispies to suit ants.  I liked this snack.

Japanese version of Smarties?  The chocolate isn't as good as Nestle!

No idea what this is!  Strawberry flavored Gobstobbers? No, wait, bubblegum? OH MY GOD IT'S BUBBLEGUM!! lol Strawberry flavored bubblegum.  This reminds me of hubba bubba.

Also got a chocolate covered bite sized almond square.  That was really good as well.

So, for $15.00 I would say that is a great deal!  Considering it is coming straight from Japan you add in the shipping costs, it's pretty much a steal in my books. Most of these snacks were a hit with a few duds, but hey that's what you're going to get in foreign food anyway.  I really enjoyed this box nonetheless!

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