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Any evening pampering.

By 9:03 PM , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I haven't done one of these types of posts in quite a while and actually enjoyed doing them so I figured why not do another one?!  This way I'll be able to get a lot of items covered and not make a whole post on each of them as most of them don't really need a designated post.

So I rarely ever use shampoo, only conditioner but on the off chance that I do want to shampoo my hair, I need an option there for me other than dandruff shampoo.  I had been putting it off on buying any type of shampoo but once I seen this, well I just had to have it!  Not only is it pretty in pink, it also has sparkles all over the bottle!  This was simply irresistible.  It smells really nice too and not overpowering.  Price range this bottle is under 10$ so very affordable and pretty, what more could you ask for?!  Oh and it does do its job! 
Next we have a candle that is currently burning.  I got this as a present from Raelene from our Christmas exchange. I'm assuming the name of it is 'Sensuous'.  It has a very strong Patchouli and natural scent.  I would say that it is very sensual and again not too overpowering either, which was what I was afraid it would be.  This is a very relaxing candle considering I had doubts on whether I would like this or not but I actually do. A+.

Thank you Reya!
Next I finally tried the Prince Charming shower gel from the Valentine's day present at Lush.  This has an acquired scent that definitely is not for everybody.  I got a very forest and spicy smell, which I kind of liked.  It did its job well as a shower gel and the smell seems to be staying on even after the shower.  I rarely ever use shower gel but with that being said I'm happy this is now mine because eventually I will end up using it all.  I also like that it is a nice travel sized bottle as well.

Can we just.. oh my god this packaging is super adorbs!
 Okay, so I had recently purchased this mainly because the packaging like lol.. yep I am a sucker for cute packaging!  I also love Nivea, I find the brand to be super moisturizing and hydrating! yum.  Okay, the actual balm completely matches my parchment paper! How cool is that, and no I did not plan for this to happen either!  I was right, this is great for the lips and real hydrating!  It smells good enough to eat.  No seriously, can I take a bite?  I love this SO MUCH that it's going straight in my purse, kaythanks.

Okay so I got this in my memebox and use it every so often but not a whole lot.  This is called Jeju Hallabong energy by The Yeon.  Basically what you do is put it on your face at night or in the morning or just whenever.  It's supposed to allow your face to look more energized.  This has a strong mandarine smell and doesn't break me out nor is it sticky after application and soaks right into your skin.  It's not a bad product I just don't use it very often.  Click here a link if you want more information on this product or its ingredients.

 Lastly we have yet again another Loreal product.  This is a serum that is designed to help damaged and split ends.  It comes out in two different colors, a red and clear then gets blended together during the application process.  I bought this from Target as I love anything to do with hair health and felt like I needed it, no other reason.  Anyway I opted to use this instead of my normal argan oil and Lush's R&B formula.  Not a whole lot to say about it, this smelled great and it may or may not work well for splits, I haven't given it enough uses to know for sure.  Generally I don't think any product will repair already split ends anyway.  Regardless of my thoughts, this smelled good and will make my hair smell good after it has dried!  That is all I really am concerned about because I don't have many split ends to be worried anyway.

Overall, I think I was most excited about the Nivea Blueberry Blush lip butter.  The sparkles in the shampoo was an added touch that I really enjoyed as well.  Candle is still burning and I'm feeling very relaxed.  Those were probably my top 3.  Not a whole lot of negative things to say about the rest either, they are all great products that have different features to them!

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