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Friday night mini reviews

By 9:16 PM , , , , , , , ,

After a hectic work week just before Christmas all I want to do is sit and relax. Grab a couple of your favourite magazines, in my case Cosmopolitan, and look at a few pictures, read a few articles.  My favourites are what's new in fashion, makeup and we all talk and read about it, the sex articles. 
The candle I'm burning is from Bath and Body Works called Champagne Toast.   It has an extremely mild sweet scent, it doesn't scent up the entire room, just kind of well, there.
For my face mask I decided to try a peel off mask by -417 Dead Sea Cosmetics.  This masks purpose is to cleanse your skin of your dead cells and makeup.  I noticed on the box it says to leave it on for 20 minutes but in French it says to leave on for 15 minutes.  My suggestion is to just leave it on until you feel comfortable and it can be easily peeled off.
So the product is in liquid form and that is exactly how you apply it.  Be cautious on how thick it gets applied as well as the thicker it is the longer it will take to be able to peel off.  After it's been on for a few minutes your skin will start to feel cold, that's how you know it's working!  I personally find this feeling very soothing and relaxing. While applying be sure to not get it in your eyebrows or eyelid! I have no set time for how long I keep the mask on, just peel it off when it has dried.   It feels like you're peeling off a layer of dead skin off, some may find it weird some may like that feeling, just a matter of opinion.  As far as the results for this mask, my face feels like a baby's bum it is that smooth!  I really like this mask plus it is something different from what I usually do and change is a good thing.

Tonights lipstick features Rebel from the Macs Holiday collection.  If you miss this colour you can still get your hands on it from the regular collection as well.
When I had bought this colour it reminded me of Macs Cyber but a little bit lighter so I had compared it to that.  On first impressions of this color I notice it is a lot more violet than anything and a bit lighter than expected.  However, still a great color for any collection I think I just expected it to be darker!  This is a color I would wear in the summertime.  It goes on smooth and evenly which is one of the first things I look for in a lipstick.  So first thoughts, I do like this lipstick just wish it was a bit darker!

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