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St. Ives Timeless Skin Mineral Clay Firming Mask Review!

By 1:30 AM , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Hello everyone long time no see (yet again!) I got back from my trip from Hawaii about three weeks ago and I had such a wonderful time. The beaches were amazing.

Behind this cliff was a private beach with red sand and sea salt pools.

Anywho, tonight I'll be reviewing a product that I've been using for three years. It's the St. Ive's Firming Clay Mask!

As you can see it comes in a squeeze bottle.

Now I only use this mask when my skin is feeling dull and needs to be deep cleansed. It also helps with oily skin. When I started using this I had really bad cystic acne and the clay mask would soak the oil right up. I find it even helps with some flakes.

This is what it looks like out of the bottle. The clay mask is very thick, and has a refreshing smell to it. Even though it's thick, its very easy to put on your skin whether its damp or dry. 
The mask is made out of kaolin clay, which is a soft 'rock' found all over the world. It's usually white in colour. It's actually the main ingredient in making porcelain! It's also in make-up and toothpaste.

What it looks like on! As you can see, it's very visible. Right away, you can feel a cool and tingly sensation as the clay works away at your pores! 

Within 60 seconds it dried up. I always leave anything on my face for at least 15 minutes, because that is how long your skin takes to absorb moisture. I could barely move my face.

How wide I can open my mouth, lol

So after the 15 minutes is done, you wash your face. I usually like to use this before I shower, because the mask is super thick and it's hard getting off with a face cloth with out scrubbing your skin. My face was a little flakey so I didn't mind.

I like the design on the bottle. The only thing I don't like about it is the bottle itself. When you start to run out, it gets harder to squeeze the clay because it is so thick. I would prefer if it were in a tub with a lid. 

Afterwards my skin was a little red from all the scrubbing action going on with my face cloth. Usually when I step out of the shower it's not as red. Albeit that, my skin felt soooo supple, so soft, well nourished, just A-MAZ-ING! All my pores felt cleansed, and they even got rid of some acne on my forehead and chin that I've been trying to deal with. 

I definitely recommend if you want a product that actually works and that is super affordable. I can't remember what I paid for this bottle, but St. Ives is usually under $10.00 at the drug store. I don't think it expires either because there is no expiry date on it. This product also lasts forever because it's something you don't need to use a lot. 

That's all for this week. I've been pretty busy and going non stop since I moved here! I'll try to update a lot more. I've been taking a lot of courses and exams so I can be certified to teach fitness classes. Starting next month, I'll be on my way to teaching pole!

 If you want, you can follow my pole dance Instagram here and my personal one here.

Thanks for reading!

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