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Lush Bath bombs reviews Pt. 2

By 7:16 PM , , , , , , , , , , , ,

 Here we go, my second Lush bath bomb/bubble bar haul that I said I wasn't entirely impressed with the first time.  Let's see if round 2 is more kind. 

The first bath bomb and I was too excited to use this that I forgot to take a picture of it by itself(oops) is Rose Queen.  This immediately started fizzing when it hit the water, its complete fizz time was no less than 2 minutes.  Being the smallest bomb that I bought it sure packs an awful lot of flower remnants.  This smells absolutely beautiful and gives off the vibe that you are the queen of roses in a mythical fantasy land full of fairies and mermaids. Seriously, this bath bomb is probably one of my favorite thus far.  I will definitely be purchasing this one again that is for sure!

We have  yet again another Floral-esque bomb called Tisty Tosty.  I love the shape of this bomb and I also love how dainty it looks.  Real excited to use this one, I have high expectations for it!
Okay, so after using this bath bomb, I gotta say I'm not very impressed.  I wanted the roses to be all throughout the bomb and have a lot of them!  There is only what you see on the surface.  I also wanted this to light up my bathroom with the wonderful scent it has prior to using it, this did not happen either.  This also didn't change my water any color. If I repurchase this it will just stay as decoration as it has a nice scent and is aesthetically pleasing.

Next on the list is the Dragon's Egg.  I was intrigued by this bomb because of the color discs and am really curious as to what may be inside!
Awkward video but it was too long and I had to keep making cuts, oops!
Holy crap, this turned my tub water orange?!!!  I never would have expected this at all. Halfway through my bath I actually noticed that it wasn't only  orange but had extremely fine metallic sparkles floating around in it literally making this magical.  I didn't notice a huge scent but the metallic aspect and how bright the color was definitely made this purchase necessary. Oh and my skin also feels pretty soft as well.  At first I didn't know what to think about this bomb but it grew on me and now I like it.

Next one out of the bunch I tried was Space Girl.  Although I liked the smell, I didn't really enjoy the rest of what this had to offer.  The total fizz time was under 2 minutes, there wasn't many sparkles and my water was like a purple pink, dark fuchsia, that was pretty cool but apart from that, this didn't offer me anything.  There wasn't really even a smell to my bath.

Next one I wanted to try was Sakura.  This had quite a strong yet lovely smell to it, like candy to me but apparently it is supposed to smell like spring and florally.  Maybe so either way it was nice to smell.  As far as any other qualities go, this didn't serve anything.  I also enjoyed the look of the bath bomb as well, this blue is one of my favorite colors.
It had turned my water, well a water color. The fizz time was also under a minute. So overall, the scent is nice but that is all it offered me!  Not really worth a repurchase.

 I was so hesitant on using this one because the sparkles are quite the intimidation!  But it's so pretty!!! This one is called Golden Egg from the Easter collection.  Because the other two bubble bars from Lush didn't produce barely any bubbles I decided to only opt for one bubble bar this time as it is so shiny and just overall pleasant for the eye!  Again, we didn't get very many bubbles and what we did get, disappeared as fast as they came.  Ah well, at least it turned my water a cool yellow/gold color with sparkles throughout.  The smell wasn't a whole lot of anything really. Also, this left a lot of sparkles in my tub, the most residue any bath bomb or bubble bar has left to date. That doesn't concern me a whole lot because it's just sparkles and I cleaned the tub, easy fix.  What I really liked and made this worth the purchase, was that it made my skin super soft just like if you were to use a coffee scrub!  I love that feeling.  I'd probably buy this again but maybe not for the price. 

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