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Super Core Pole Workout (When A Pole Isn't Available)

By 7:21 PM , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

For those of us who don't have the luxury of having their own pole at home, or want some toned abdominals and arms, I created a pole-inspired work out to target those abs.

Keep in mind that these moves are fairly advanced as I got my boyfriend to try them out.

So here is what we did! Remember to put in cardio during or after your work out. After each set I like to either jog, do high knees, or mountain climbers for 60 seconds so it'll add up to 20-30 minutes of cardio. You can train your body to do amazing stuff, but without cardio you will never see those results and lose the weight.

Hanging Pike Leg Lifts - 3 Sets 10 Reps

  • Make sure your back is flat - no rounding
  • Keep your feet together and legs straight as best as you can
  • Lift up with your quads - not your back!
  • Try and keep your feet off the floor
  • Do NOT pull up while doing pike ups - leave your arms hanging
  • If a bar is not available, you can also do these on the floor

Hanging Straddle V Leg Lifts - 3 Sets 10 Reps

  • Same with Hanging Pike Ups, but your legs are in the shape of a "V"
  • If you can, try to keep your toes pointed. This makes it harder.
  • If a bar is not available, you can also do these on the floor

Pull Ups - 3 Sets 5 Reps

  • It's okay to jump into a pull up position
  • Only go as far as you can go down
  • Don't extend your arms all the way down if you can't pull back up
  • Little pulses are okay
  • Keep your body aligned - no curving of the back or bend knees

Push Ups - 3 Sets 10 Reps

  • Make sure that your arms are directly beneath your shoulders, hands shoulder width apart
  • When you lower down, tighten your core, quads, and hamstrings.
  • When you're in the down phase of the push up position, squeeze your shoulder blades together
  • Look in front of you
  • REMEMBER TO KEEP YOUR BACK FLAT! Your body should always be straight in a push up or plank. 

Hearts - 3 Sets 10 Reps

  • Laying down, hands under your head and feet together
  • Lift both legs up as far as you can go without lifting your hips off the ground
  • Open up into a straddle and come back down so your legs end up back together, drawing a heart
  • Make sure that your back is flat against the ground. If you have a problem with this, place your hands under your butt

60 Second Plank

Advanced vs Beginner

  • Same as a push up, but holding one position for 60 seconds
  • Try to squeeze every muscle in your body. This move is good for glutes and abdominals

Pause Goblet Squats - 3 Sets 10 Reps

  • Standing up with feet hip width apart, squat down until you can't go any lower. You're going to want to actually sit in the squat
  • Remember to keep your back as straight as possible. No rounding of the back
  • Pause for 3 seconds
  • When you come back up, put your weight in your heels. Squeeze your glutes as hard as you can coming back up
  • You have the option to do this with weights if you want a harder workout

And that's it! Have fun and feel the burn!

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