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Lush sample thoughts

By 2:10 PM , , , , , ,

These are just the samples from purchasing at Lush twice!  How amazing is that?!! Only twice.  I think it's safe to say that Lush is extremely generous on their samples. I also think that they give enough size to make an opinion on the products which is why I chose to make a post specifically for samples. Keep in mind that these are only samples and it is very possible that some of these products  may require a bigger amount to notice any significant improvements in whatever the products are targeted for.

 Angels on Bare Skin is a face and body cleanser.  This is actually what I'm most excited to use.   This has a minty forest natural type smell going on, just like stepping into a forest.  so delicious, I'm really loving this scent.  For application I'm just going to mix it with a little bit of water and apply it generously to my face.  Going into this blindly and realizing how messy it actually is, I recommend doing this in the washroom right before your shower and rinse it off that way.  Leaving this cleanser in for approx. 10 minutes then rinsing off, it actually didn't do a whole lot to my skin and what it did do was very minor.  The only thing great about this product is the smell in all honesty.  Maybe I did something wrong during the application but highly unlikely.  I'm pretty disappointed in this product actually which is unfortunate but what can you do?  If I get another sample of this I'll try it again and hope for the best but this is all I have to say about it for now.

Next we have Big Solid Conditioner.  This was yet again another product that I was excited to try out!  This is a fair sample and I decided to cut it in half and get 2 uses out of it.  This has a very soft lovely sweet smell, a bit of vanilla.  It has a very moisturizing texture and I feel like you could also use it as a body moisturizer as well.  For application all I did was lather it up in my hands, get a little water on it for easy lather and then rubbed it all in my hair.  Immediately it hadn't done anything and every other conditioner I have ever used is always smooth and makes my hair really soft and silky.  With having curly hair this did absolutely nothing as far as actually conditioning and detangling goes, and my hair feels stiff more than anything??  I think I'll stick with my hair masks and regular conditioner just from those two alone.

At first I thought American Cream was a cream but after going onto the site it was actually a conditioner. yay I love conditioners and this one looked really creamy as well as had a great light strawberry scent to it.  This didn't take out all of the tangles but quite a few of them, I also liked the way it made my hair feel silky to the touch.  I think if I had 2 sample sizes or diluted it with a bit of water it would have been amazing.  It also left my hair with a subtle scent of strawberries. My final thoughts are this would be a great addition to anybody's hair routine.

The Veganese  hair conditioner smells VERY strong of citrus so right off the bat if you are sensitive to citrus-type scents this probably isn't the right product for you.  I was going to try to squeeze 2 usages out of this badboy right here however because my hair is so long I could only get one use out of it.  Even out of the shower, the citrus smell lingers fairly strongly.  As far as the conditioning aspect goes, most if not all conditioners make my hair soft and I am able to run my fingers through with little tangles in the way.  This made my hair soft but unfortunately I couldn't really run my fingers through.  Granted my hair was pretty tangly prior to usage, it helped a little bit but not what I was expecting.  Generally that is what I look for in a conditioner and it just didn't deliver.  I do however enjoy the scent and that it's made my hair shiny-that's always a bonus.
This is the Mangnificent soap.  I read somewhere that they used this for a body soap in the shower so I decided to do the same.  It's really strong citrus-like scent but not too overpowering, I like it.  It doesn't actually go on very strong but very subtly in my opinion.  This also didn't make a whole lot of suds either.  I probably wouldn't go out of my way to purchase this bar but it was very lovely as a sample.

 I was super excited to try Dark Angels but was hesitant as I was under the impression it was a face mask and had a few I wanted to use before this one!  Turns out it isn't a face mask but a cleanser.  Facepalm.
Still thinking it's a face mask and wondering if I waited too long to use this.  Okay, so basically you mix it with a little bit of water and rub it on your face in circular motion, well that's what I did.  I left it on for about 20 minutes because I wanted to.  I was starting to break out earlier today (just one pimple, but it's the end of the world-mid life crisis), anyway and this seemed to have put control on my break out so big thumbs up for that!  I think this made my face smoother than what it was originally.  The smell is something that you either like or you don't.  I personally kind of like it, it gives my senses something different to take in.

And the last sample I tried out is Zeste.  Oh woops! I thought this was a shower gel my bad, serves me right for not doing my research before using it.  Turns out this is a hair styling gel, my bad.  Anyhow, my  experience with this as a shower gel was alright.  It has a very strong citrus-like mandarin scent that lingered for a little while after my shower.  This did the job as a shower gel, not sure what I can say about a hair styling gel but ok, suppose it could be a multi purpose tool...yeaah..

Overall, I do think that I would need to have more product to get a really good opinion on these items.  I would say that Angels on Bare Skin smelled the best, American Cream did the best job, and I really liked trying the Big Solid Conditioner.

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