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Because I have always been skeptical with beauty box subscriptions not knowing what you're getting in the box for the price that you're paying, I've never really caved in and subscribed to a box before.  It should come to no surprise that with my love of everything Asian that my first box is an Asian beauty box.  
Some boxes you pay for your box but get more product than what you're actually paying, the catch is that you don't actually know what you're getting.  For some it is like a present to yourself, me on the other hand would like to see what I'm investing my money in before purchasing it. We will see what my first box has to offer and I'll give my opinion at the end on whether I think it's worth it or not.
The difference between memebox and other beauty box subscriptions is that you get to pick what type of box you would like to receive while also accommodating your financial needs. 

Let me just say that I am impressed with the shipping.  I ordered my box February 4th, and it was at my doorstep February 13th.  I hadn't even realized that it was shipped out by that time actually.  Super impressive on their behalf, it's as though they knew I was going to make an order and they shipped before I purchased!   Super fast shipping I will give them a 10/10 for that.  Also not to mention the bubble wrap is actually pink! 

This box is seriously the cutest thing!  Unfortunately it is only cardboard so you can't keep it forever! 

So this is the first thing I see when opening my Memebox.  There is a little blurb describing basically what Memebox is as well as a booklet that goes through and describes what each product is and does along with a photo of it for reference purposes. Since I got the Cutie Pie Marzia box, there is a paragraph on who she is and what she does.

Onto the goodies!

Can we just take a moment and appreciate how cute the packaging is! 
Both of these products are from Shara Shara. I've actually never tried any of their products before so it's pretty exciting to see how these will wear.  The jumbo lip pencil is called Petite Friend Matte Lip Crayon- pretty ironic how it's called 'petite'-in the color Salmon Orange.  Orange isn't really my color but we will see how it works anyway! 
The next one is called Triple Shine Color Shadow.  In the booklet you had the option to get one of four colors.  I got the shade Cobalt Blue.  I really like the fact that they have extra protectants just to be sanitary.  Korean products are good for having over the top sanitary precautions.  This is also a full sized product.

Next we have Revecen Face Control Foundation, also in full size!  

The package obviously has Korean written all over it, but they were kind enough to put English on there as well. 
'With this foundation you can cover all defects on your face perfectly and naturally.  Excellent moisturizing effect and food coverage even with thin applying.  Protects your skin from UV rays and pollution prominently.'
I have the basic understanding that different colored foundations will eliminate spots and discolorations in the skin but that is just about all that I know.  It will certainly be exciting to see how this works for me, especially as a novice!  I really like the professional look this has going on with it too.  This is in the shade 002 (Violet).

I was actually confused with this for a second because the brand is Cheek Room and I thought it was some sort of cheek tint and I wouldn't be very interested in it because I find that cheek tints have a staining quality to them.  But was I ever wrong, this is actually a lip balm!  and boy does it smell great.   This is Lip Balm Clover by Cheek Room.  In the number 05 Cherry Clover.  It smells exactly like Cherries, and quite strong as well.  When I opened the lid I got an extremely strong wiff of cherry, it was great.  I am in love with the packaging and case for this lip balm.  Because who doesn't want a hot girl on their beauty products??
And this is why it is called 'Cherry Clover'.  How cute is the product itself???  I have high expectations for this let me tell you right now.

Shout out to how careful they packaged for shipping.

Next we have yet again another full sized product.  This one is TonyMoly's Red Appletox Honey Cream(80ml). 
There is a protective cover along with a plastic spatula for sanitary purposes as well as application process.

 This smells exactly like apples.  Suitable because it is in an apple case.  Now you know what to get your favorite teacher!  At first I thought this was just a body cream but after reading what was in the supplied booklet and taking a look at the actual product it turns out that it is actually a daily facial cream!  Which is actually even better because I tend to always have a lot of hand and body creams and don't really need any more.  At first glance, this product seems to be pretty messy as well, maybe that is why there is an extra protectant on it. This product is supposed to give your skin a massage-like effect as well as have a silky finish.  I'm excited to try this out!

 Last in the box we have an all-in-one serum by The Yeon, it's called Jeju Hallabong energy.  Just look at how cute that little guy is, trying to tell us something in Korean, aw aw how sweet! This whole packaging is in Korean, even on the bottle itself!  Luckily I have my handy dandy booklet with descriptions! This works to replenish, soften and protect your skin.
"How to use:  Apply the serum evenly over your face and pat it in for full absorbance.  Can be used morning and nightly."
It applies as a spray bottle and has a gel like consistency.  It probably smells like Jeju but to me it smells strongly of oranges and citrus.
Let's get into the knitty gritty here with the prices.  I can't find the direct link to where this box is located so it might be no longer available unfortunately.  I paid 25.99USD in total for everything in here including shipping. 

Shara Shara Petit Friend Matte Lip Crayon (3g) $11
Shara Shara Triple Shine Color Shadow (2g) $15
Revecen Face Control Foundation (17g) $22
Cheek Room Lip Balm Clover (12g) $12
TonyMoly Red Appletox Honey Cream (80ml) $12
Jeju Hallabong Energy Mild All-in-one Serum (100ml) $20

All of these adding up to a total of $92USD not even including taxes.  This is an amazing deal!  I can only imagine what great deals the other boxes have to offer. Super impressed on the payoff on these items.  Have I mentioned that I love Korean beauty products?  
If you liked any products in your box and happen to empty them, Memebox has an online store with full sized products from your boxes that you can purchase individually! 
At first I was skeptical on beauty boxes because you are basically gambling your money on whether or not they will be full sized good quality beauty products or samples of basically garbage.  I stood corrected when I seen that they are ALL full sized products and I believe good quality as well.
I'm looking forward to making another purchase with Memebox in the near future, that is for definite.

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