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{REVIEW} Skin Food Olive Mask

By 3:16 PM , , , , , , , , , , ,

I have yet to try very many Skinfood products so I was drawn to this for that reason in particular. 

The packaging is actually pretty chi, it comes in a paper liner with a little card on an elastic to hold it all together for great presentation.  A+ Skinfood.

Inside the card it explains what the purpose of the mask is for, the 'Olive story' and your application.

Purpose: "A mask that seals tightly on skin to eliminate dryness and white flakes. (contains spanish olive oil)"
Olive Story: "Olive oil from sunny Spain is enriched with unsaturated fatty acids."
Application: "Apply an ample amount onto the face and massage gently, focusing on areas where more dead skin cells have piled up.  Rinse off with lukewarm water."

So past the paper packaging it is also sealed with plastic to prevent customers from getting into new product.  The container is glass so it will be great to keep around for holding desk essentials in or your bobby pins and hair elastics.  Yet again, another A+ Skinfood!

The mask itself is a light pastel green with small particles dispersed.  This isn't a thin mask that it's melting off your face but it also doesn't dry on your face like a clay or peel off one would.

 From my experience, I found this mask to be quite oily during application but after I washed off the oil went away.  The only effect I noticed was that it made my skin have more moisture. I would recommend using this mask particularly in the winter when it's really dry and cold to reinforce moisture.  Because it's such a light mask, you could use this a few times a week which is what I am trying to do to finish up the container.  The smell isn't the greatest but tolerable because it's so subtle. Going back to the packaging one more time, I really liked that it was in a glass jar instead of just a plastic container, it really adds to the presentation which I don't think a lot of companies think about.
I recommend this to people that have dry(er) skin as well as anyone who has skin troubles during the colder seasons. 

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